Cinnamon French Toast Pumpkin Parfait
The inspiration
Dannon® Lowfat Vanilla Yogurt, 12.5 quarts, separated
Pumpkin Puree 13 pounds
Cinnamon 8 tablespoons
Pumpkin pie spice 2 tablespoons
Vanilla extract 8 tablespoons
Granola, 2 cups
200 0.5 oz Cinnamon French Toast Sticks
The Technique
1. Cook French toast sticks according to package instructions.
2. Hold warm, above 135 degrees for service.
3. In a large bowl mix together 6.25 quarts of Dannon® Lowfat Vanilla Yogurt, pumpkin puree, cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice and vanilla.
4. To build parfait: 4 ounces of pumpkin, top with 2 ounces of Dannon® vanilla yogurt, 4 ounces pumpkin mixture and remaining 2 ounces of Dannon® vanilla yogurt. Sprinkle each with 1-2 teaspoons granola.
5. Hold cold, below 41 degrees.
6. When ready for service, place warm cinnamon French toast stick in the parfait or serve on the side.
7. Serve immediately.
Notes: each serving is 12 ounces: 8 ounces of pumpkin mixture and 4 ounces of Dannon® Vanilla Yogurt.
Nutrients Per Serving:
Calories | 513 | Total Fat (gm) | 12 | Dietary Fiber | 5 |
Protein (gm) | 22 | Saturated Fat (gm) | 4 | Sodium | 861 |
Carbohydrate (gm) | 76 | Cholesterol (mg) | 178 |
50 Servings
1 parfait is 2 oz meat/meat alternate, 2 ounces grain equivalent and 1/2 cup red/orange vegetable